Postage Meters
Postage Meters are leased as they cannot be owned. In a way, they are small banks that put money on letters. If something goes wrong with them it is up to the manufacture to figure out if any money was lost. They are responsible to the U.S. Postmaster to account for any discrepancy in the register inside the meter.
There are two types of meters. Ones that you take to the post office and write a check for the postage about you want to put into the meter. The second type is called postage by phone. This system requires you to set up an account thorough the meter manufacture, so that when you need postage you dial the phone and transfer the money in the account to your meter. For this transaction there is a fee involved.
Pitney Bowes bills meter rental by the quarter. They bill on a Tri-Level system. This system is based on the total dollar amount run through the meter in that period of time. Your bill is adjusted if you exceed a certain level.
Meter B900 from Pitney Bowes has the ability to keep track of up to 10 departments. This meter is only a postage by phone meter. Is starts at approximately $45.00 per month.
Model 6500 come in both postage by phone or local setting by the post office. The aproximately cost $56.00 per month.